THIS GIRL she copy my friend facebook profile...
she so like to make problem...
I saw ady i o so cannot belive that she will do like this....
she keep say she are my friend the owner ppl,,,.... who o so know not the owner she still wa LIE we all
She are idiot...
she last time copy 2 modle name Komi i think malaysia member will know about she ....
The facker know my realy name and my friend name and my friend handphone...
so i tot she wan to play with me~ ~
Then i mai play with she o so lor~~~
If we scold she at facebook wall she will more happy~
So i put this thing tell you all and i wan you all help me to sned it out!... she will more happer
To the FACKER no need to say thank you i know you are happy~...
This is WE ALL ASK SHE THING she reaply
ask you bila birthday u don wan say ""( mean don know)""
ask you what school you say air putih then say MGSS""( sure sir putih)""
ask you what class you say nonono ""( mean don know mgs got what class lor)""
ask you my name a what a all thing you know jus alitter bit "( sure you go ask ur friend that know we de lor~)""
ask you waht is our math pro teacher you no anwser ""( mean you don knwo anything )""
ask you know PK petang or not you say pk ur head ""( mean you don know what is pk lor)""
ask you that day we stay at were u say beside class la then say i 4 get ady~ ""( mean you LIE LIE LIE LIE TO WE ALL!!)""'
ask you about anything who are u u keep sasy u are the owner but you all thing don know ""( MEAN YOU ARE FACKER)""
ask you when ur birthday you no anwser~ ""( mean you don know bila the owner birthday lor)""
ask you so many thing you o so don know alot thing you jus know name hand fon and MGS only~.....""( mean you ASK MY FRIEND LOR~)""
So i think she wan play with we all i saw she talking i o so wan vomit...
don know bila she wan to stop play my friend photo and keep say she are then owner~~